Saturday, January 20, 2007

WIP - Chimera

This is the Chimera from my Guard competition force. During the competition it was nominally attached to the HQ squad as a dedicated transport, but in reality it spent most of its time dashing about the board as a light tank.

Its armed with a Multi Laser in the turret and a Heavy Flamer in the front hull mount.

Before its finished there are various little details like lenses and viewports that need painting, as well as some more high lights on the lasguns and all the stowage needs painting too. The first thing is an allover grime wash to bring down the rust as it's a bit extreme in places at the moment. After that and all the other details have been finished off then the final dirt pass needs adding. This will consist of various washes, dry brushings and splatters of brown shades below the waistline to simulate being slathered in mud for weeks on end.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Fun and Games at Warhammer World

Last weekend saw my team mate Ben and myself spending the weekend in Nottingham at Warhammer World to compete in a 40k doubles tournament. 7 games over the course of 2 days and a great deal of fun. Thanks to Neil and Matt, Paul and David, Chris the ref, Steve and Pete (twice), Lawrence and Paul and Alex and David for being great opponents and making the weekend for us.

The weekend began with a sound thrashing at the hands of Neil and Matt's Eldar/Tau army. Over the next 6 games our little Imperial Guard expeditionary force gradually got its eye in. In practise this meant we lost by an ever decreasing margin, then started drawing games and finally won our last game by far more points than we could have hoped for (commiserations to Alex and David, who had some very bad luck at a couple of crucial moments).

This was the first tournament I'd ever entered and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. We're already planning our next competition outting and I can heartily recommend the experience to anyone who thinks it sounds like a good day out.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

WIP - Special Weapons Squad - Sniper 2

Here is the second of two snipers from the special weapons squad.

From Special Weapo...

WIP - Special Weapons Squad - Sniper 1

This is one of two Snipers in the Special Weapons squad. As you can see, his cloak matches the camo pattern of the tunics of the rest of the unit. I think its looks even nicer on a large area like the cloak. I need to do some nice detail on the front view of this figure in order to finish him off. The cloack is such a large area that well executed small details become far more important in order to stop the model looking boring.

From Special Weapo...