Saturday, March 04, 2006

Diary of a Sentinel: part 1

I've just returned from the store with a new Cadian pattern Sentinel, the first major model for my Guard patrol. My aim is to make all the models unique in some way or other, so lots of conversion work and then top-class paint jobs to really show off the finished figures.

As the title suggests, this is going to be the first in a series of posts that will follow the individual progress of this model from sprue to finished article. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Finished - Single Space Marine

I pushed on and completed the remaining stages on this figure. Once I'd completed all the colour steps, but before I'd finished the base or done any weathering, I gave him a light spray with gloss varnish. On top of that I painted a layer of thinned matt varnish on the green and black areas of the Bolter, the pouches round the back and on the parchment of the purity seal.

The dirt on the legs is a wash of snakebite leather and chesnut ink, thinned with water and with a dab of washing-up liquid added. Once applied I wipe the majority off again with a paper towel. The base gets a wash of brown ink and the succesive dry-brushings with snakebite, leperous brown and finally a very light bit of bleached bone on the bigest chunks of grit. when I'm doing the dry-brushing I make sure some of it strays onto the lower legs as well.

All I need to do now is bring all the other ones up to match him. Unit markings still need to be added at a later date, once I know what they will be. I will probably also refine the weathering process as I go along. I think they eyes are definitely better in blue, it stands out nicely against the red of the helmet. Posted by Picasa