Tuesday, January 09, 2007

WIP - Special Weapons Squad - Grenade Launcher

Here is the grenade trooper for the squad. At some stage I will get round to drilling out the barrel of the grenade launcher, but not before the competition at the weekend.

From Special Weapo...

WIP - Special Weapons Squad - Las Gunner 3

I'm toying with the idea of using Catachan heads on otherwise Cadian figures for my veterans and other special infantry types. I've built a few more than are shown here, but these are the first ones I've painted and I think they work really well. I've found that you need to trim the neck right down to almost nothing in order to get the heads to fit into the Cadian torsos. Sometimes a bit of greenstuff is necessary to fill up the gaps as well.

From Special Weapo...

WIP - Special Weapons Squad - Las Gunner 2

Another Las Gunner for the Special Weapons Squad. The colour scheme is very loosly based on WWII german uniforms with the cammo bring an attempt at pea pattern on a very small scale. After under coating the entire figure was dry-brushed with a mix of 3 parts GW Codex Grey to 1 part GW Catachan Green. Everything else was then painted over the top of this

From Special Weapo...

WIP - Special Weapons Squad - Las Gunner

Here's a pic of the last model with a good deal of the painting done. He still requires a bit of work on the belt kit and the base needs finishing, but for the most part he won't look much different from this once finished.

From Special Weapo...