Monday, April 03, 2006

WIP - Pirahna

Here is the first of three Pirahna skimmers. I'm thinking of two equiped with brace of seeker missiles and a burst cannon each and a third with a fusion blaster. This should make a rapid reaction unit with a nice balance between anti-infantry and anti-vehicle capabilities. Posted by Picasa

WIP - XV88 suit

I seem to be in a building rather than painting mode lately, Especially now the new Tau Empire codex is out. Here is the first of my XV88 suits. They've been in the cupboard for a while now and I finally decided to start putting one together. I've wanted to try mounting the rail guns on the arms since before the excellent Forgeworld models came out doing just that. While putting this kit together I realised it takes a certain degree of commitment and trial and error to pose the lages in anything more dynamic than the most basic 'standing up straight' pose. Because of the enlarged feet you have to do a bit of cutting and re-building of the lower legs. Despite a bit of swearing and a few scalpel wounds to the fingers, I think the end result is worth it - Just need to get around assemble his team-mate and get round to painting them to see the finished product. Posted by Picasa