Real life conspires against the miniture arms race once more. Slow progress since my last entry. New bits arrived in the post the other day so I have begun experiments into roughrider conversions. So far I'm part-way through building a single rider mounted on a dark elf cold one and armed with a grenade launcher. his upper body is from the Cadian plastic sprues while the lower half is from the classic Attilan Rough Rider figures. So far it looks pretty good, the main problem I can think of so far is how to scratch build nine saddles that look nicely detailed and identical to each other.
The sentinal is also progressing, the legs and base are nearly ready for spray undercoat, once thats done the assembled body and weapon can be mounted and then the paint job can be completed. Once I have assembled the model I may pause and go back to finishing off my Marines before continuing with the Guard Patrol.