Tuesday, January 24, 2006

WIP - Dreadnaught

Naughty, naughty! Not much to look at yet, but I have great plans for this little chap. I added a few unique touches at the building stage, as well as a liberal dose of icons and purity seals. The various weapon options are all built and will be left unglued to the body so I can swap them out depending on what force I am fielding.

He has obviously been in a lot of battles as there are quite a few old scars on his hull. I intend for him to be very weathered when he's finished.

I think my Marine chapter is obviously one that recruits from a very feral world somewhere in the Imperium. This Dreadnaught has some form of ceremonial shield, made of stretched skins, hanging from his waist like a sporran. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wotcha, Bench here, Great job Iz, nice paint jobs and subtle conversions, the kinda models i like! (but not to get my tanks smashed by!!) b.