Wednesday, February 01, 2006

WIP - Space Marine rank and file

Here are some close ups showing three of my slowly developing Space Marine force. So far they have had their initial drybrushing of Tin Bitz all over, Dark Flesh on the armour and Bolt Gun Metal on the weapons and other large metalic areas. The Marines armed with bolt gun and plasma gun have had a coat of Snake Bite Leather followed by a mix of SBL and Bleached Bone applied to various areas of armour as a secondary colour. This will eventually be highlighted up to the same colour as similar areas on the biker I've already completed.

So far I have two 6-Marine units in the works. Each is lead by a veteran sergent. One unit is mounted in a Razorback transport and is armed with five bolters and a plasma gun. The other unit is on foot and fields three bolters, a melta gun, and a heavy bolter. The sergent of this second unit is armed with a bolter/melta combi weapon.

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