Friday, May 12, 2006


Trooper 'Hawkeye' Stern:

Trooper Stern is possibly the single most tedious individual in the Regiment. At least one Divisional Commander is on record as saying he would rather 'run naked through a hive full of Genestealers than spend another moment in the vacinity of that soldier'.

Trooper Stern's idea of free time well spent is an evening lining up his power cells and ensuring they are all equally charged to within a fraction of a milliamp.

It has been remarked that Trooper Stern wouldn't recognise social skills if they tore him limb from limb and fed him to the ruinous powers of the warp.

Fortunatly for everyone involved, Trooper Stern can also fry the flys off a Nurgling at 1500 yards. More than one member of the regiment owes his life to the completely emotionless precision which Sterns almost total lack of personality bring to his job.

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